NVLINK Bridge costs 599 USD

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In the previous news-item, we talked about the Titan Volta graphics card. At 2999 a pop, these are relatively cheap for the prosumer with the active Tensor cores and all. However, surely some would like to double that up in a nice SLI combo? 

Well, it seems to be possible. I already mentioned that I did not see an SLI connectors on the card, and made a comment about NVLINK, indeed the card has NVLINK Bridge connectors, which is a fundamental change, but also price.

look closely and you'll notice the two new connectors. 

The Nvidia store shows the new bridge at 599 USD a piece, in the store, it's the one right next to the 30 USD HB-SLI bridge. The bridges offer Up to 80 GB/s bi-directional (with two bridges) - 2-Way 2-Slot Spacing. 

** Update, we just learned that Titan V does not and will not support SLI, please find the story on that here.

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