Sniper: Ghost Warrior 3 Screenshots

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CI Games has released the first screenshots for Sniper Ghost Warrior 3. Sniper: Ghost Warrior 3 is set in a modern day conflict based in Eastern Europe.

It will feature non-linear and sandbox-style gameplay on large open-ended maps that will give players the flexibility to play and replay the missions in a number of different ways. 

Sniper Ghost Warrior III is going to appeal to players who want to play chess with their environment, enemies and allies. The game isn't a run 'n gun extravaganza. It's a tactical survivor course, where lighting up your survivor sense in order to survey your killing grounds becomes second nature. Players don't level up, they increase their skills through practise. The more you do, the better you get. Simple. It's bloody tense, and the slower, more natural pace may throw off players who are used to charging in headfirst and adopting spray 'n pray tactics. That won't work here. You'll be dead within minutes and the game will be over. But adopting the mindset of a sniper, observing your environment and planning every kill?

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