SiSoftware Sandra remote analysis, benchmarking and diagnostic features for PCs, servers, PDAs, smart-phones and networks.
- GP (GPU/APU) Benchmarks: optimisations for APUs, both current AMD and future Intel when using complex kernels that overwhelm them. APU mode can run different kernels on CPU & GPU part, selecting the best for each device.
- Dedicated high-performance GPUs will still execute the "heavier" kernels which allow better compute core utilisation but are too large for APUs.
- File System Benchmark: reduced run-time and test file size while maintaining score quality (i.e. similar margin of error). You can test slow drives even on systems with large disk caches (i.e. large memory)
- Ranker: is finally operational after over 1 month outage due to server transfer gone wrong; most benchmark results have been restored. With 41 benchmarks and over 200,000 scores in popular benchmarks the total number or scores is somewhat large.
- Cache/Memory Latencies Benchmark: here is a public article detailing our methodology on measuring cache/memory latencies, why, what and how is measured, and how our results relate to manufacturer results.