I'll repeat that, 54PBW on a 2TB SSD. Endurance requirements for Chia mining are massive, and as such the market adapts and adopts. Sabrent, king of price-performance SSDs announced a series of products specifically developed and marketed towards Chia farming.
The series is called Plotripper SSDs (and not threadripper) and has been designed to be beefed up to frame harsh writing cycles for Chia mining (plotting), a process where cryptographically-generated plots are calculated. Plotripper products will become available in a normal and a "Pro" SKU. The mainstream Sabrent Plotripper offers a 10,000 TBW for 2 TB capacity and the Pro versions manage 27,000 TBW of endurance for its 1 Tb capacity and wait for it ... 54,000 TBW endurance rating for the 2 TB version. From the looks of things, these SSDs are configured to write SLC 100%.
We can see demand for the data center as well, and yeah it'll come at cost, that would be money. Prices have not yet been announced.
Sabrent Releases Chia Mining dedicated NVMe SSD rated 54PBW for the 2TB SSD