NVIDIA: 8-pin PCIE connector on contest photo was a concept render

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Funny this one, if you look at the photo below the fold, you're going to notice a standard PCIe PEG 8-pin power header on a founder edition GeForce RTX 3070. Read it again, 8-pin power header.

Of course, the product comes with the new 12-pin header. But this render created some confusion when it got posted with an NVIDIA contest on Twitter.

Apparently, in the social campaign, a concept art render of the RTX 3070 card got used, and that one is showing an 8-pin power header.  So people started wondering if the RTX 3070 would be updated to the old power connector design again. Well, no. It was simply an older concept image used. NVIDIA will be using the new 12-pin header for a long time where needed.

NVIDIA: 8-pin PCIE connector on contest photo was a concept render

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