Need For Speed - No Current Plans For Paid DLCs

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Ghost Games has shared a new Q&A for Need For Speed, in which it revealed that the game won't be plagued by paid DLCs or micro-transactions. Need For Speed is coming to the PC in Spring 2016 and will have an unlocked framerate.

Q) Will there be paid DLC?
A) We plan to release a series of free content updates for Need for Speed. We currently have no plans for any paid DLC. 

Q) Will there be micro transactions?
A) There will be no micro transactions. 

Q) Will there be manual transmission / split screen / wheel support?
A) There are many features that people are asking for, these are among many things that we are investigating. 

Q) What was the reasoning behind the PC version being moved?
A) We moved the PC version in order to deliver an experience complete with unlocked frame rate. 

Q) Do I need to be connected to the internet at all times?
A) You will need a persistent internet connection, as Need for Speed is committed to being a live service so we can deliver an ongoing experience that is constantly changing and evolving. We will include free content updates and challenges as an ever-present ways for you to earn rewards and continually explore the game.

Need For Speed - No Current Plans For Paid DLCs

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