MSI Radeon RX 5700 XT Gaming X Caught on camera

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You know it when you checked out my MSI Radeon RX 5700 XT Evoke review, we had significant concerns about the acoustic levels the card produces for a custom design. While addressing that to MSI they made it clear they'd be working on the Gaming X model as well which will be the silent offering.

I was just discussing the Gaming X card with MSI the other day, and we can already tell you that they will be released pretty soon, currently, both the RX 5700 and RX 5700 XT models will be ready in the beginning of September (expect around Sep 2nd ). In that timeframe, the cards also will be shipped here for review. 

Meanwhile, at Computex the card has been on display in an MSI video, so we can show you what it'll look like, as there are some design tweaks alright. 

The photos are literally taken from video frame grabs and of horrible quality. But as always there's a certain kind of a cool factor with an old-school style photo.

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