Hehe, the man that just can't get rid of his own stigma (and won't let go of it) still can make some money of his Mr. T (the A-Team) character.
This man was nearly bankrup a few years ago, but all this time each day he was shaving his head, put on the Mr-T bling juwelery and never let go of that. Then like a year and a half ago he got asked for a commercial, and ever since he's just back isn't he ? I have much respect for the man.
Anyway, Joystiq reports ZootFly is working on an odd game that will feature Mr.t and Will Wright as nazi hunters:
"The first game will see Mr. T take on Nazis and their gigantic machines in the varied universe of South American rain forests, lost ancient cities, industrial complexes and contemporary military installations. Along with Mr. T and other characters from the graphic novel, the game will feature none other than Will Wright. In this universe, Will Wright is not a top-notch game designer but a top-notch American geneticist who was kidnapped and coerced to work on a diabolic plan. Mr. T and Will Wright will join forces to annihilate the Nazis and their hardware."
I betcha we'll be hearing a lot of ' Paaaiiiin' in this game.