Linus Torvalds tells NVIDIA to go fuck itself

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Wowzers ... Linux creator Linus Torvalds didn't have kind words for NVIDIA when speaking at an event at the Aalto Center for Entrepreneurship in Otaniemi, Finland on June 14, 2012. While NVIDIA does make pretty high-quality binary Linux drivers, when one of the attendees asked Torvalds about NVIDIA's hardware support and lack of open-source driver support, he said NVIDIA is one of the worst companies in the industry to deal with and ended his NVIDIA comments with "NVIDIA: FUCK YOU!":

Torvalds began by stating that NVIDIA is an exception to Linux support rather than the rule in terms of their lack of friendliness towards open-source drivers and the Linux community, etc. He also mentioned he is happy to publicly point them out and their problems, so his NVIDIA statements continued...

After saying that NVIDIA is "one of the worst trouble spots we've had with hardware manufacturers", Linus Torvalds continued on to say, "NVIDIA has been the single worst company we have ever dealt with."

Torvalds ended his NVIDIA comments with "NVIDIA: FUCK YOU!" while raising his middle finger to the camera.

A video of the session can be viewed below, the NVIDIA comments start at around 49 minutes into the video.

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