A month or two ago at Computex Intel unveiled its new 28-core unlocked processor for its upcoming HEDT platform. It will use what is now named as the X599 chipset and the LGA 3647 socket, according to one website.
The information comes from website hd-technolica, and we cannot take any credits or credibility of the accuracy of this report. So we report it, as is. The platform would make use of Hexa-Channel memories and will support CPUs with a high number of cores with the idea of competing, at least in performance, the 2nd. Generation of Threadripper.
the website mentions they do not have much information about this chipset, since it will arrive only at the end of the year or beginning of next year. What they would know is that Intel will have 3 platforms simultaneously: the 300 Series, X299, and X599.
Intel would launch X599 chipset for its 28-core processors