Infinity Ward Developing Modern Warfare 4?

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Okay it is not really surprising, it has been revealed that Infinity Ward is currently working on the next instalment of the immensely popular Call of Duty: Modern Warfare franchise. Captain Price actor Bill Murray accidentally let slip to a journalist on a flight that he is reprising the role of Price. Modern Warfare 4 is expected to be released next November. Bill Murray: "Yeah, on Monday I am off to meet Infinity Ward about the next game, Modern Warfare 4, I'm doing work on the sequel to Modern Warfare 3, it carries straight on and I only ever appear in the Modern Warfare games..."

My mouth dropped, "Oh...nice" I replied " it IS being done by Infinity Ward then?" and tried to look casual, then spent the whole 4hr flight, and 9hr coach journey (with waiting times) dying to get logged in to So - only news I can repeat right now, is that on Monday 5th November, Bill Murray is going to be in discussions with Activision and Infinity Ward about his vocal involvement in Modern Warfare 4 that will be developed by Infinity Ward. Above is the picture I had taken on the flight, seconds after being told the news.

Well roll on Modern Warfare 4 – Captain Price is back!!
In related news, Infinity Ward responded via its official twitter account, stating that they've not talked with any voice-actors and that news are mere speculation.

Infinity Ward Developing Modern Warfare 4?

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