Each month here at Guru3D.com we feature one of you guys, your PC, your DIY project. It is quite honestly amazing how much detail and dedication you put into an PC, and every now and then it really shows. This months entry oozes in style, money spent and flamboyance. For 2011 we upped the prize that you can win a little.
The rig of the Month July 2011 is absurd. A Dutch guy pretty much transformed one room and a desk into a big PC. Everything you are about to see us customized, he built a table, he places radiators under the housing of the floor and has gotten everything liquid cooled with only the best gear. And then when you look at the finished product .. all you can say is WOW -- that's a guarantee.
A good chunk of money was spend on this setup, luckily he got sponsored a little as otherwise this project would have been unaffordable. Guys, meet Peter Brands from The Netherlands and his