Google Launches new algorithm that can compress JPEGs 35% better

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Google has announced that it has developed a new open source encoder called "Guetzli" for compression of JPEG files. The algorithm used by the company allows it to compress JPEGs by up to 35% more than currently available methods.

This will enable webmasters to develop webpages that can load faster while using comparatively less data. Google has stated that "Guetzli" - which means "cookie" in Swiss German - targets the quantization stage of a JPEG image which is partly responsible for visual quality.

Guetzli strikes a balance between minimal loss and file size by employing a search algorithm that tries to overcome the difference between the psychovisual modeling of JPEG's format, and Guetzli's psychovisual model, which approximates color perception and visual masking in a more thorough and detailed way than what is achievable by simpler color transforms and the discrete cosine transform.

Google Launches new algorithm that can compress JPEGs 35% better

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