EK is further expanding its RGB portfolio by releasing the EK-FC1080 GTX Ti FTW3 RGB water block that is compatible with EVGA GeForce GTX 1080 Ti FTW3 based graphics cards.
This kind of cooling will allow your high-end graphics card to reach higher boost clocks, thus providing more performance during gaming or other GPU intense tasks. This water block directly cools the GPU, VRAM and the VRM (voltage regulation module) as water flows directly over these critical areas, thus allowing the graphics card and it's VRM to remain stable under full load and high overclocks. EK-FC1080 GTX Ti FTW3 RGB water block features a central inlet split-flow cooling engine design for best possible cooling performance, which also works flawlessly with reversed water flow without adversely affecting the cooling performance. Moreover, such design offers great hydraulic performance allowing this product to be used in liquid cooling systems using weaker water pumps.
The block will cost €149,-