If you are in the market for a bargain HDTV or Blu-ray player, hang on for couple more months. Although holiday season is still a while away, technology expects have predicted a full forecast of the Black Friday sale. Analysts from Dealnews are speculating sale price to fall as low as $149 for a generic Blu-ray player, $499 for a 42-inch 720p Plasma and $799 for a 1080P 46/47-inch no-brand-name LCD HDTV.
Bargain hunters should know what they will get into queuing up for hours in a cold thanksgiving night, and make sure they are not being sold. The generic $149 Blu-ray is more likely a budget lineup from Funai NB500 or Memorex MVBD-2510. Dynex, Insignia, Westinghouse or Maxent flat screen TV are likely to be the candidate on Black Friday.
Shoppers look for Apple products are going to be disappointed with the speculation. Ipod, Iphone, Imac or I-What-ever would not be heavily discounted, about 5-10% sale with free shipping online.
As a matter of fact, I just returned from local Fry