EA looking to get billion dollar tax break

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Game publisher EA expects a tax benefit accumulating upwards to 1.7 billion dollars as a result of changing taxes in Switzerland where their HQ is stationed. As a result of the tax benefit, EA's earnings in the second quarter of 2019 amount to more than $ 1.4 billion.

That is 385 percent more than in the same period last year, when EA was left with $293 million. The increase in the figures is due to a tax benefit of 1.08 billion dollars. EA expects to be able to process the remaining $ 620 million in benefit in its records in the third quarter of 2019.

The quarterly figures also show that EA's revenue has risen to 1.2 billion dollars. That is 6.3 percent more than the same period last year, when the company converted $ 1.1 billion. EA's international headquarters is located in Switzerland. In May, residents of that country approved a change in corporate taxes through a referendum.

The tax reform should end special status for multinationals, who benefited from having to pay less tax than Swiss companies.

Check the earnings PDF here.

EA looking to get billion dollar tax break

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