A manufacturer called Chuwi has outed their newest Android 4.1 tablet ‘V99 Retina’ for the mass market. Specs-wise, the device sports a 9.7-inch with a whopping 2048 x 1536 IPS capacitive multi-touch Retina display. The tablet has a 1.6GHz Rockchip RK3066 dual-core processor, a Mali-400 GPU, a 1GB RAM, a 16GB of flash storage, a microSD card slot (up to 32GB), dual cameras (2MP front & 2MP back), 1080p Full HD video playback support, 3G external support, WiFi, a 10000mAh battery and runs on Android 4.1 Jelly Bean OS.
The V99 Retina can be yours for $289.99.
Chuwi V99 Retina Android 4.1 Tablet