PC players angry at the state of the port of Batman: Arkham Knight are leaving frustrated reviews on Steam. Steam user reviews for the game currently stand at 30 percent and Mostly Negative, based on the views of over 3,000 players.
These first two reviewers have been playing the game for hours so should not be considered knee-jerk reactions. Both highlight the poor framerate and optimisation for a game that has so far looked spectacular in marketing and on home consoles. First impressions last, and if you release a buggy, sub par game, it's going to be remembered for a long time regardless of when, if, and how quickly you fix it.
Developer Rocksteady has said it is aware of the problems affecting the PC version of Batman: Arkham Knight, and it is working with a “external PC development partner” to resolve the issues. Beyond that, there’s no indication of when fixes will be issued to current problems.
Batman: Arkham Knight is having a very rough launch