Each year in December AMD releases their 'big' driver with a thing or two new to offer. Next month it'll be released and called the Software Crimson ReLive Redux driver.
The new driver will among other things, offer an OSD showing registers like FPS game performance. Two screenshots already leaked onto the web, as AMD always hypes up their stuff with small virals, so it is not a surprise to see this 'leaked' a few weeks prior to release.
The two screenshot below has been posted by Blaze #RXVega on twitter, he's part of the red team (fanbase). By adding an OSD overlay, AMD now follows what Nvidia has been offering with their GeForce Experience. Albeit from the looks of things, AMD offers more registers to poll like VRAM, CPU and other stuff. Typically these drivers are posted in week 1 or 2 of December.
AMD Software Crimson ReLive Redux Released Next Month will get Perf OSD