AMD has unveiled a novel KB update driver that introduces Day-0 support for F1 23. This AMD Software Adrenalin Edition is tailored to optimize the F1 23 gaming experience for AMD Radeon graphics users.
For performance evaluation of the game, please refer to the links below to acquire the Radeon driver. A unique driver update for the Radeon RX 7600 graphics card has also been launched by AMD today, delivering F1 23 optimization and additional functionalities congruent with the most recent AMD Software Adrenalin 23.5.2. The update comes with specific fixes for the RX 7600, such as addressing underperformance or stuttering in certain VR games and preventing intermittent application crashes with Blender. As this driver update doesn't align with AMD's central Adrenalin software branch, it is not available on our hosting platform.
Key Updates:
Support for F1 23.
Known Complications:
Some virtual reality games or applications may experience subpar performance or intermittent stuttering.
Occasional application crashes or minor distortions may occur when using Blender.
- Download the driver for the Radeon RX 7600 here.
- Download the driver for all other Radeon SKUs here.
These enhancements will be integrated into the main driver branches in a forthcoming update.