Zalman HD160XT Plus HTPC Chassis review

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Zalman HTPC HD160XT PLUS review

The first thing I did is to remove the drive cages and get the HD mounted. You can remove the cage with one screw only. I love the has vibration dampening grommets (minimizes drive noise and resonating vibrating noises).

Zalman HTPC HD160XT PLUS review

Well now, did I make a wrong purchase a while ago ? ... none-the-less we'll equip this HTPC with a HD-DVD.

Zalman HTPC HD160XT PLUS review

To install the optical drive the faceplate of the DVD drive tray must be removed to fix the stealth faceplate via the included foam tape. A bit of a daunting task really.

After that you install your mainboard, COPU + cooler, memory, PSU and graphics card, then mount the drive cages back in the chassis. This is the exact point where you should have thought about the wiring.

Zalman HTPC HD160XT PLUS review

Overall; installing all hardware in the chassis is a pretty easy thing to so. The hardest thing to manage is actually keep that cable routing nice and tidy. Though you have loads of space to work with.

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