Tagan 1100 Watt Power Supply review

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Guru3D Tagan 1100 Watt PSU review - Copyright 2007

Tagan TG1100-U95 (TURBOJET)Info: Tagan
Price: 399,-

The Kilowatt power supply taken a step further .. 1100 Watts

When I started to write this review I noticed that a press-release about a 2000 Watt power supply just came out. Insane .. I swear if the day comes that we need 2 KW Power Supplies just to play games then we all can acknowledge that something has gone seriously wrong in the computer industry. Then again .. Moore's law has been ruling and is telling me that it's a plausible scenario.

It's however also a bit of a marketing race between the companies. I call it penis envy .. my PSU is 1100 Watts, mine is 1200 ! .. and the big one .. hey we do 2000 ! Currently there is absolutely no need or relevance for a 2000 KW PSU.

We just started writing review on Kilowatt power Supplies  and that already a truckload of horsepower. Hello everyone, yes you got it right .. today we'll review another power supply, a spicy beefed up version from Tagan, and yes indeed a 1.1 Kilowatt power supply. What is it with the need for Kilowatt+ power supplies .. ? I mean a year ago 1KW was unthinkable. Yet there's their weird trend in the IT industry and I call it the Dual and Quad variable.

Face it, we can't ignore it. The industry went towards dual-everything. Dual Core and Quad core CPUs, multiple CPU's per mainboard dual and quad graphics core based graphics cards connected to your dual monitors or even three monitors.

With that in mind let me ask you a question .. what's keeping all these internal PC components running and stable ? Yep .. it's your power supply unit, a very underestimated piece of hardware in your PC. So today our second 1000+ Watt power supply review is being published, and we test a lot of PSU's these days .. just to make sure that you guys buy the right stuff. Never  underestimate the importance of the PSU.

The PSU we will be testing today is a truly heavily built SLI/Crossfire ready piece of gear. In fact it's quad everything ready. It's elegant .. it's small in size and will provide you with everything you need to create a stable environment for the uber-rig of yours, an investment that'll last a long time as with this PSU your hardware can keep up with you for a long long time. Hey you don't want to buy a new PSU every two years in this price range .. believe me.

The Tagan PSU we'll put to the test today is has power written all over it, literally and figural speaking; obviously. This Tagan TG1100-U95 model comes with a fantastic 1100 Watts rating.  It's what we call a serious uber-high-end PSU which is ready for SLI, Crossfire and quad SLI as it has four .. yeah you are reading this right, four seperate 12 volts rails rated with 20 AMPs each. Considering that the most modern graphics card to date consumes 10 AMPs per GPU, you are in the safe zone man !

Let's startup the review and have an good look. In today's test we'll stress the PSU with a Quad SLI setup that for sure will stress the TG1100-U95 (but only a little though) ...

Guru3D Tagan 1100 Watt PSU review - Copyright 2007


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