Overclocking Performance
We have been a little time limited due to a humongous amount of Z270 reviews we need to finish. Our findings in short, our ES sample is a pretty nice overclocker. Coming from a 3800 MHz base clock going to a steady 5000 MHz isn't bad. We reached a stable 5000 MHz as bootable and need 1.300~1.350 Volts for that. Below, you can find a handful of results we ran with the overclocked settings as explained.
The same settings as used in the previous benchmarks have been used here as well.
The overclock entails nothing more than increasing the multiplier and CPU voltage. However tweaking in the BIOS is difficult as SMC is doing things their own way in difficultly described registers. You can mimic/copy the results above yourself to achieve a decent overclock.
Considering all motherboards overclock the same with our Core i5 7600K @ 5 GHz we use the reference results to show the relative performance scaling.