Graphics memory (VRAM) usage D3D11 and Conclusion
Graphics memory (VRAM) usage
How much graphics memory does the game utilize versus your monitor resolution with different graphics cards and respective VRAM sizes? Well, let's have a look at the chart below. The listed MBs used in the chart are the maximum measured utilized graphics memory during the test run.
Graphics cards at the 4GB marker combined with the best quality settings will be sufficient, but the game eats it all. Rebellion, however, caches as much as it can/needs. As such in the higher resolution, we'd close in at 5GB~6GB used. Fact remains that with a 4GB card you will not experience any problems as the game simply tries to fill up memory wherever it can and is needed. Up to Full HD (1920x1080) any 3 or 4 GB graphics card of decent caliber will do the job well. 4 GB will still be sufficient for 2560x1440. If you want to play Ultra quality with Ultra HD as preferred monitor resolution, 4GB+ is advised.
So, I have to be brutally honest, I had never heard of the game before. Likely I'm not even going to be playing it either as it serves a rather specific riddle solving gamer and demographic. AMD is on this title and for them, it should be a showcase. Granted, the Radeon cards perform really well. However, their golden egg, Vulkan, really didn't make any difference. The sweet spot is actually found at DX12 ASYNC compute, both camps overall do really well with it in this game, and it is good to see the industry pick up on DX12 properly implemented.
As mentioned I was more curious to test Vulkan versus DX12 and DX12 ASYNC On versus OFF, more than anything. We hope you enjoyed the read and results. The game overall is a fun game if you like the genre, the graphics, however, can be rated as "good" for what it is. Any card to date should run fine at 1080p as the game simply is not taxing or demanding at all on any modern GPU. Please do make sure you have installed the latest compatible graphics card driver, the new 18.8.2 or higher driver from AMD as well as at least 399.07 GeForce drivers. You can download the latest AMD Radeon drivers here and the Nvidia GeForce drivers here.
- H.
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