SolyTech SL-8600EPS 600 Watt PSU review

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SolyTech 600w SL-8600EPS  Power Supply review

Product: SolyTech SL-8600EPS
Info: soly-tech.comPrice: 80 USD

Last year here at we made a promise to you guys, the readers. We always stated that we'd review as many PSU's as we could as a power supply is one of the key components for system stability and claimed that power consumption (although a bad thing) would rise to new levels. Well, what we didn't expect was that so many manufacturers LOVE to submit a PSU to us for a review. We tested a dozen or two and we're not quite done just yet. Manufacturers keep sending them in, and we're slowly looking into getting ourselves some professional load testers as it's really tough testing and stressing the KiloWatt monsters.

Well now, here's a dilemma to consider I figured: A couple of weeks ago a lovely lady from SolyTech (Anter group)  contacted us and asked us if we'd be willing to test some of their products. Along that line a 600 Watt PSU was mentioned. So I figured; can a much cheaper 600 Watt PSU be just as good as a 1000 Watt PSU with one of the most high-end systems that money can buy? Well that's what we'll check out today. We land at the premises of SolyTech, a relative unknown manufacturer. They recently launched a SLI compatible 600 Watt PSU. It does not have quadzilla distribution rails, it doesn't even have four PCI-Express connectors. Yet I figured can this 70 EUR / 80 USD PSU deal with our new quad-core CPU overclocked, 680i SLI, 2x 8800 GTS overclocked, 2 GB Vista bitching system? Would it be possible for a much cheaper PSU to keep up with that Q6600 2.4 GHz quad-core processor ran at 3 GHz?

Well if that doesn't get your juices flowing, I don't know what will. Let's find out. Does it work fine, or are we able to fry this 600 Watt PSU for the first time in Guru history?

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SolyTech 600w SL-8600EPS  Power Supply review

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