Reader's Rigs - Oldernut

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Age - 24

Occupation I work at the creek nation casino in Tulsa. It's a cool job where I get to fix slot machines that break down or need paper n' such. Most of my time is spent watching the football games on the flat screen TV and drinking Pepsi all night or talking to customers. I work the Graveyard shift so nothing much really happens but crazy stuff during my shift. We do get some very interesting customers there who make the place quite an interesting place. The job offers free benefits and bonuses which makes it quite a cool job.

Location Owasso, OK


How long have you been a member of Guru3D forums?

Just a few days ago. I never decided to become a member until recently.


What did you first come here for?

I just came at this site for some drivers for my computer. Other than that it has been very interesting to read the news that Guru3D offers. They offered me information on the next generation of graphic card and info I really was interested in.


What do you mainly use the system for?

My system is pretty much used for gaming, especially on the road. There are days I get to stop by McDonalds or a coffee shop and log on wireless and play games online. It's a great system to use when I am working on my Oracle class assignments. The machine is put to good use when I am on my break at school. Mostly gaming is used on this machine for now.


Copyright 2005


How much did you spend on the rig?

I spend about over three thousand dollars on this machine. It is all on my credit card as of now. The payments I have to make are not that bad since I have a whole year to pay it off with 0% interest


How often do you update/buy a new rig?

Not too often. This system I purchased should last me awhile, so updating might be a while before I have to. The next thing I might upgrade is the graphic card since the system is very upgradeable. I plan to get the new Geforce 7800 go for this system. An extra hard drive is also in the works too.


Copyright 2005


What components are used?

Sager 9880 model. It's a 64 bit 3.8GHZ Pentium 4, 2 megs of L2 cache. 2 gigs or ddr2 memory. Windows media center 2005. Geforce 6800 Ultra Go. Built in Webcam on top of the Samsung LCD screen. DVD 8x burner w/ lightscribe. Wireless network adapter w/ 1000 mbs network card. Audio CD player when machine is turn off. 4 speakers with a subwoofer on the bottom.


Why ATI or NVIDIA, why Intel/AMD?

I had a Geforce 6800 Ultra installed because it's almost as fast as the desktop model and it performs well in video games. The only CPU chip that was offered for this kind of laptop was Intel. It's a decent chip for this laptop computer. It handles software like oracle database really well, much better than the computers they offer at my school. The performance on it is great and I am very pleased with everything this system offers.


Copyright 2005


Does the system work as expected?

The system performs very well. It is quite interesting to play games like doom 3 on ultra quality with high frame rates on a laptop on the go. When it comes to games like UT2004 or battlefield 2, my computer makes a great server for LAN parties. The light scribe technology lets the burner burn labels on CDs that support Light scribe. Light scribe only burns in Grayscale as of now.


What's the best part of your rig?

The best part is how such a cool system like this is portable for me to take it places. The only drawback is how much it weights. It is cool to take it places where my time can be used to play games or get started on homework. It's great to have on the road, especially places that offer a hotspot with free internet access. At lunch I usually get something small and hop into a Counterstrike source server or UT2004 game going on. It's really cool how lots of places these days are offering hotspots to play at and at decent speeds.


Copyright 2005


What sucks and should not have been bought?

Well the only drawback on a laptop is the storage. I only have a 60 Gig 7200 hard drive. I didn't realize I use up all the space in a few days. It is a nice hard drive but they don't make 7200 hard drives with very large space for laptops yet.


Modified cases/video cards/other? Did you do it yourself? Walk us through it.

Nah, I doubt if I could put a laptop together. It's expensive but not too hard to do. All I did was get a cool job that plays decent money and I got a credit card. After that I got my credit up a little bit, then I bought an expensive laptop which I'll be paying for a while.


3DMark scores?

3DMark 2005 = 5226

3DMark 2003 = 11649

3DMark 2001 = 21470


Future upgrades?

The only thing that I might upgrade is probably adding another Hard Drive, I have my eye on the new Hitachi 7200 100 Gig to add RAID to my system. My computer needs all the space it can get to use it on software and games on the side to play with. Also the new Geforce 7800 go that I have to get.


Copyright 2005

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