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The inside of Strogg headquarters is relentlessly industrial and labyrinthine, an endless network of bumpy, metallic hallways, baroque computer console setups attached to dense jungles of wires and cables, held together by a series of inexplicably locked doors and unsafe elevators.
The Strogg monstrosities look just as sickly detailed at extreme zoom as they do from a distance. I will have to say the graphics in Quake IV set a gorgeous new standard for shooters as we speed into next generation gaming.
But the game is not only about blazing guns. The makers have left a nice scenario in the plot where you have to rearrange some barrels in order for you to advance. This was not all that difficult but required a bit of thought and patience especially.
There is a twist in the plot ... to successfully defeat Makron and the Stroggs, you have to become one of them.
The new Matthew Kane
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