Plextor M6V 256 GB SSD review

Memory (DDR4/DDR5) and Storage (SSD/NVMe) 378 Page 12 of 18 Published by


SSD Performance Crystal DiskMark

SSD Performance Crystal DiskMark

CrystalDiskMark is a disk benchmark utility that measures performance for sequential and random reads/writes of various sizes for any storage device. It is useful for comparing the speed of both portable and local storage devices. CrystalDiskMark can measure sequential reads/writes speed, measure random 512 KB, 4 KB, 4 KB (Queue Depth = 32) reads/writes speed, has support for different types of test data (Random, 0 Fill, 1 Fill), includes basic theme support and has multilingual support. Give it a try yourself as it is free to download.

The SSDs show some very decent results back at us. Just compare read/write performance of the other drives shown. Today's tested SSDs and below, some comparative materials just for reference.



Plextor M6V 256GB


OCZ Trion - 480 GB SSD 


OCZ Trion - 240 GB SSD


 OCZ Vector 180 - 960 GB SSD


AMD Radeon R7 240 GB SSD



OCZ ARC 100 240 GB 

Samsung 840 Pro 256 GB


OCZ Vector 256 GB

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