Photos - AMD Phenom II
Photos - AMD Phenom II
On the next few pages we'll show you some photos. The images were taken at 4272 x 2848 pixels and then scaled down. The camera used was a Canon 450D - 12 MegaPixel.
Right, a couple of close-ups before we head on over to the tests and benchmarks. This is the Phenom II X4 965 Black Edition.
Looks similar to the million other Phenom processors we've tested (from the outside).
Below, the processor seated in the MSI motherboard we'll be using today. A very very impressive motherboard by the way, that surprised me very much.
As stated we'll perform our test with 1333 MHz DDR3 memory from Corsair, BEMP ready DIMMs. Here is the processors seated in the MSI motherboard we'll be using today. A very very impressive motherboard by the way, that surprised me very much.