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Here we go folks, this is the packaging (hey we show it all so you can make informed decisions). All details are mentioned on the packaging including colors, features and optionals. The casing is secured quite well in it. Not a scratch was on it. Let's unpack.
Ah, plastic wrapping foil prevents tiny scratches and such, good to see it on there. Now let's rip it off :) BTW this casing is a drama to photograph. Digital camera's do not respond very well to all that darkness so forgive me if a couple of photo's look a tad weird.
There we go. Powered down it's not quite the sight you'll see at the end of this article. This by the way is the model with side-window. We'll show you the closed version later on in the photo shoot as we are reviewing both models. Both cases except for the side panel are 100% the same.
The front looks, monitor that front (shield like) bezel, gaming armor for sure. Steel plated Gunmetal finished coating on the Front Panel and yes, this is plastic with a really thin layer of metal I think. Looks fantastic though, is that a shiny, reflective bezel or what? Your girlfriend will love that as she now can comb her hair while utilizing your PC :)