Final Words & Conclusion
The Verdict
What NZXT is exceptionally good in is understanding gamers and their needs. They really target at a pretty niche segment of the market. It shows with their variety of product. They ask a lot of feedback from their customers and design the gear with gaming in mind. It's very commendable really. However it doesn't mean that it's a guarantee for a successful product. Every now and then however it is .. and I feel that's the case with the Avatar mouse. Despite it's their first attempt in this segment of the market, they show their dedication.
The end result is a high-end mouse with excellent precision and flexibility. It's however not among the cheapest you can purchase. You'll cough up roughly 44.95 / 59 USD which is a little much for my taste buds. But granted you'll receive a comfortable and sleek design mouse, that will be a fine fit for any PC owner, FPS-obsessed or simply for desktop user. This mouse works well. Feels good in the hand, while gaming feels very accurate and is easy to use for extended periods of time.
I find the on the fly DPI switching to be a great feature in FPS gaming; especially switching from sniping to a more arcade rifle mode really helps, switching itself is a little so-so. I feel the positioning of the DPI buttons could be located slightly better, but as stated before .. I am nitpicking here. The software interface is extremely straight forward and works out nicely.
So then, I'll end exactly how I started this review. I find reviewing a mouse a very subjective task to do. I'd like to say though that this is a quality, high precision mouse that offers good flexibility whether that's for normal desktop usage or gaming.
It's designed in a superior manner and definitely is a looker. If you are in the market for a new mouse, definitely recommended.
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