NvTempLogger - Development History
Version history of nVTempLogger:
V3.36 Changelog:
Fixed a bug about splash screen preventing a message telling that no temp sensor is present.
Added an option for the splash sceen (on/off)V3.35 Changelog:
Added a splashscreen (Many thanx to MetalFox)
Now you cant have a second instance of the
program running.
Fixed About window info.V3.34 Changelog:
Fixed a bug with the ambient temp option.
Added an alarm temp option.It beeps(speaker)
when exceeded.
Fixed a bug about multiple option windows.V3.33 Changelog:
Removed the Showhide commands. You can do that
now by either double clicking on tray icon or
slowly double clicking or fast triple clicking
(due to language restrictions) on the temp.
Added an about button in tray.
Added a "start minimized" option.
Added a "start with windows" option.
Bear in mind that if you change location of the
exe then you have to run options again for the
the shortcut to update.V3.32 Changelog:
Added transparency slider in options menu.
Added some new effects when starting/exiting.
Widened the range of the tray temp (30C - 93C).
Double clicking on tray icon now, will show/hide
the temp window.
Fixed some other bugs.V3.31 Changelog:
Code Tweaking and bug fixing.V3.2 Changelog:
Added the ability to minimize to tray and
show the temperature on the tray icon. Be
sure to always have nvlibic.dll in the same
dir with the exe file.V3.11 Changelog:
Removed all taskbar windows.
Now options are saved in registry.(HKLMSoftwareNvTempLogger)V3.1 Changelog:
Added a tray menu.
Added options to show/hide background picture
in digits and Ambient temperature.
Added the ability to hide the graph window through
the red X.V3.0 Changelog:
Enlarged the graph area. Now it can record for
almost ten minutes.
Added the "Export to Excel" Function... It is
quite self-explanatory....
Now the peak temperature can be viewed when mouse
over graph.V2.36 Changelog:
Added a line in graph which shows the maximum temp
since the program start.You can reset that with the
"Reset Ceiling" command.
Changed the colors of graph.
Changed icon.V2.35 Changelog:
Miscellaneous code tweaking and fixed some bugs.
V2.34 Changelog:
Added a cross cursor when over graph.V2.33 Changelog:
Added the ability to use mouse pointer to show
you the temperature on the graph window. Just
click on the graph window and move your mouse
to show you the temperatuire beneath it.
Fixed some bugs about fonts.V2.31 Changelog:
Updated the temperature window with better fonts
and the ability to change colors depending on
current temperature. So for 1 to 55 will be green,
56 to 70 will be yellow and above 71 will be red.V2.3 Changelog:
Made a better log file to be more eligible.
V2.2 Changelog:
Added some graphical improvements to the graph background.
Added the ability to move the graph window by clicking on the red arrows,
in the top-left corner.V2.1 Changelog:
Stretched Y axis so as temperatures are more eligible...
V2.0 Changelog:
Added Graph.
Used a good pesticide to eliminate bug infestation.V1.1 Changelog:
Misceallaneous code tweaking.