NVISION 08 Day 2 - Let's see some hardware

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 NVISION 08 Day 2 Coverage

MSI showing of their latest mainboards and GeForce graphics cards.

NVISION 08 Day 2 Coverage

Palit then, a company that is on the rise in Europe for sure. Here you are looking at a limited edition, in development, GeForce GTX 280 water-cooled. The cooling solution is done by Danger Den btw, responsible for the coolers from BFG as well.

NVISION 08 Day 2 Coverage

They are also working on a GeForce 9800 GT special edition. Here the first impressions on that one.

NVISION 08 Day 2 Coverage

Asus was there showing of some pretty nice stuff as well. This chassis with the blue leds caught my attention, just for the looks, that actually the Cosmos S chassis wee recently tested as well.

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