Example the design and virtually roll out of a new airplane. He also sees a role of Waeb 2.0 to expand towards "Online 3D" over the web. For example 3D shopping on a website. He was showing an supermarket, in which you browsed similar to a 1st person shooter view. You are able to pickup products, look at it and drop it in a cart. Though cool, not a very big idea in my book (this particular one). Graphically it certainly was not impressive.
Had the zoom lens on the camera - was not able to make a wide-screen shot here :)
Lorne Lannin -- film director and founder of Oddworld. He talked about software like Maya and Soft3D as tools to shape objects and render / raytrace the most awesome photo's by artists. They take principles of physics, start to tweak them into impossible realities. Materials of impossibilities. Things that shape an artificial world How does physics functions in zero-gravity .. stuff like that. The interesting reality that he evangelizes it to use these dataset in games. Going beyond 3D and utilizing that in games and from games to movies ..
Kyle Busch, NASCAR racing sensation
Lorne plays a lot of Nascar games on computers at it seems. Nascar is incorporating more and more graphics in it's broadcasts. The on-tv stuff like displaying airflows. pressure and buffers. Kyle finds it to be very realistic graphics, stuff you can't see et definitely is there.
After the races he does look back the broadcasts and finds the graphs to be very accurate and precise.