Performance Wireless (XR500 router)
Wireless connection
Right, let's start off with everything wireless. In this review we'll look at several options in terms of WIFI performance, we'll look at a single link 2400 MHz band, the 5 GHz band, but also dual-band 5 GHz WIFI.
Above, you can see a dual-band 2.4G connected on one of the test systems, I've never seen it reach a full 300 Mbit/s, this, however, is in the same room roughly 5 meters away from the AP.
Here we have a single band AC connection in the 5 GHz spectrum. It connected at 1.3 Gbps over WIFI. Now we're NEVER going to achieve such results over one single 5G band. But that is promising. Now let's look at a 5 GHz example in a file-copy:
So, above is a 5 GHz (AC) band, the link dropped towards 867 Mbit/s, however, we're moving data at a whopping speed of ~67 MB/sec wireless. That really is excellent. This is a link under ideal circumstances though.