MSI Z170A Gaming M7 review

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Performance System Memory: DDR4 2133 and 3200 MHz

Performance System Memory: DDR4 2133 and 3200 MHz

On this page I wanted to show you a couple of benchmarks indicating what happens when you use memory at its default 2133 MHz, of of you purchase an expensive say 3200 MHz XMP kit and use that.


XMP 2.0 memory is very easy, in the BIOS you activate the XMP profile and boom, your processor will remain at its defaults yet the memory runs much faster. History has shown that faster clocked memory doesn't help much in overall performance like CPU intensive applications and gaming. However with applications that do a lot in memory, that where it might make a big difference. These would be video transcoding applications etc.

Have a look at a few examples we made. Mind you that these are generic results from a Core i7 6700K and a Z170 motherboard showing the effect overall. So these numbers below are not measured with the specific motherboard.








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