Product Showcase
Product Showcase
If we zoom in a little bit at the PCI PEG power connectors we can see that this card has two power connectors. The GeForce GTX 780 will have a maximum power design of roughly 250 Watts, but they are made to overclock as well. As such you will see one 150W 8-pin PEG, and one 75W 6-pin PEG (PCI Express Graphics) connector. Another 75 to 150 Watts is delivered though the PCI slot and thus motherboard. This should be plenty for any overclocking and tweaking sessions.
If we rotate the card and look at the backside we can see two SLI connectors, in theory four cards in quad-SLI GPU mode would be supported. Quad SLI however is difficult and often a maze of driver problems, Nvidia has never really recommended and actively supported quad-SLI. But for a handful of benchmarks and sheer e-peen, it will work OK'ish. Honestly we recommend two cards as maximum these days to prevent yourself from daunting problems.
We'll test the card today on a high-end yet moderate machine, the X79 platform with an overclocked Core i7 3960X running at 4600 MHz. The card is roughly 10.5 Inches in length which is like 27 cm for those that like and reside in the Metric system.
That's it for this photo-shoot though. We need to tell you a tale or two about the GPU and the architecture of course. Yeah, that's quite a looker right there.