DirectX 11: graphics card performance WHQD & UHD
DirectX 11: graphics card performance WHQD & UHD
Starting at 2560x1440 we results quickly become difficult with high quality settings. Many of you will need to drop down to medium Quality now. For the more hardcore PC gamers a preferred resolution is WQHD which is short for Wide Quad HD, a resolution of 2560 x 1440 pixels. Let's just call this the more more sexy resolution opposed to the ever so popular Full HD.
But, ehm ... let's make things scary.
The big whopper then, Ultra HD. Ultra HD gaming is commonly addressed as Ultra HD, UHD or 4K, this resolution refers to approximately 4000 horizontal pixels. Ultra HD resolution also has four times the number of pixels of a typical 1920x1080 resolution. Yes the results are scary, high quality mode at Ultra HD really isn't an option? Weird, I mean it's not like the graphics in this game are that insane.