Lian-Li PC-V1000 Plus Aluminum PC Case

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Copyright 2005 -

Whoops, not entirely tool-less. The drives need to be screwed in. As you can see Lian Li has included a matching bezel for an optical drive as well as a converter/bezel for a floppy drive as an added bonus. Below the bezel you can see a small speaker.

Copyright 2005 -

Here you place your PSU. More on this later as we ran into frustrating issues.

Copyright 2005 -

At the bottom we can see two drive bays that hold 3 HD's each. As you can see there is a nice big fan blowing air over them. The fan housing has standard Lian-Li filter that is easily removable for cleaning and the fan itself is mounted with rubber vibration dampeners. 

Copyright 2005 -

The drives are inserted into the bays on rails and not directly screwed into the cages at all; they latch onto the plastic coach. Simply slide the hard drive through the guides. Once completed, pull the levers down to lock the drive into place. If you look upwards and to your right you'll notice an entrance for the cables to connect the hard drives to the motherboard and the PSU. It's very tight to get all wiring through it.

Copyright 2005 -

To place the HD into the rail, included are special screws to guide it.

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