Jetway M2A692-GDG 690G mainboard review

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File Encryption & Decompression

Generic Encrypting is becoming a more and more popular task with file sharing. Many companies already have a policy where all emails for instance must be encrypted. This test involves encrypting of different kinds of files.

File decompression is very popular tasks in todays PC usage, especially files transferred over a network are almost without exception always compressed. The amount of operations processed during the 20 second run time is calculated for both tests and the metrics is Megabytes processed per second.


Look at that, and always compare with the AMD64 FX-62 system. In most desktop applications the domain is owned by AMD. You need to look at things in perspective though.

Grammar Check & File Decryption

This test simulates a user checking the grammar in a document. As text editing is among the most common tasks in using PC at home, and checking grammar from text is very popular while editing text, such tests should be included in determining the performance of a system in a home environment. In the default run, this test will be run simultaneously with the Virus Scanning test multithreaded. This test uses the Link Grammar Parser v4.2

File decryption - Many companies already have a policy where all emails for instance must be encrypted. The files used for decrypting include 2MB executable, 2MB document, 1.1MB picture and a 1.7MB audio file. The files are en/decrypted in 8 byte padded blocks and the encryption key size is 56 bytes.

In file decryption we see the E6600 based mainboards fall back a little opposed to AMD high-end processors. The Jetway with this CPU is actually the fastest here. Can you imagine that with a 56 EUR mainboard, eh?

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