Intel 335 SSD review

Memory (DDR4/DDR5) and Storage (SSD/NVMe) 378 Page 8 of 17 Published by


SSD Performance File Copy tests

SSD Performance File Copy tests

In this round of benchmarks we start off with our real-world file copy tests. Currently certain controllers benefit from compressed files, while others don't. Certain storage units hate small files, others work well with it. So it only makes sense to do some manual tests on that.

Any storage unit's nightmare, whether that is an HDD or SSD, is storing really small files as fast as possible. So on our Test PC we created a RAMDISK partition (we can't use an SSD/HDD here as it would be a bottleneck) in which we install roughly 3GB worth files. We now measure how many seconds it takes to copy the files from the RAMDISK towards the storage unit tested today.

File copy write test  - compressed files

For the this real world file-copy test we take compressed data, like small JPG and MP3 files. We have them in random sizes from less than one KB up-to slightly larger 2MB files to emulate MP3 copying better (which most of you can relate to a notch better).


So we know that once we pass 16/32KB sizes, SSDs speed up almost exponentially. Hence we increased the total workload here towards 3 GB with 4272 compressed files in total, with a maximum files-size of 2MB.

We drop all these MP3/JPG files onto the drive (copied from a RAMDISK) and measure the amount in seconds it takes for the storage unit to deal with it. Lower is obviously better.

This SSD needs only 8 seconds to copy over 4000 files.

Performance Game load times

Here at the audience is catered to gamers. And as such I like to start off with three real world performance game tests for a change.


We take the Alien Versus Predator benchmark and run it a couple of times. From the moment we click on the icon and load up the game to the moment the benchmark start to run is what we are looking at for load time in seconds.

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