Page 4
The Photos
On the next few pages we'll show you some photos. The images were taken at 2560x1920 pixels and then scaled down. The camera used was a Sony DCS-F707 5.1 MegaPixel.
Here we have the Inno3D NVIDIA GeForce 7950 GT. Pretty standard design, the PCB looks very similar to the 7900 GT.
The backside... all memory chips are located on the frontside. And yes .. I really don't have much to say here.
The cards obviously have dual-link DVI, which allows you to connect two high-resolution screens to the graphics card up-to 2560x1600.
Do not forget to hook up the card to your power supply. The reason you need to hook up the card to the PSU is that the PCI-Express bus only can deliver 75 Watts, you'll need roughly 90 Watts.