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The Photo ShootRight, let's undress the product to see what it looks like in a series of photos that we took. All images you see are copyrighted, please do not use or deeplink them. And since I get questions about this often; the photos have been taken with a Sony DCS F707 at a high resolution and have been scaled down towards 640x480. As you can see we increased the image size, we hope you like it.
If you are on dialup/modem: sorry, but this is a broadband site so it can take a while before the page has loaded completely.
There it is, the Inno3D Geforce 6800. Standard reference model, nice black PCB.
Ooh, the rear... zekzeeeh! Don't pay attention to me, I'm Dutch :)
Front side view. S-Video Out, DVI-I and VGA connectors. I prefer DVI connectors all the way.
A nice perspective shot here... You can see the cooling a bit better. Though it might state CoolerMaster, but this is a 100% reference cooler. You don't believe me you say ? Okay, have a look yourself: