I-Trigue L3450 2.1 Speakers review

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Page 7 - Conclusion

Copyright 2004 - Guru3D.comConclusionEhm Hilbert ? No benchmarks ? ;)

Seriously, lets sum it all up.

As stated, reviewing speakers is a really hard thing to do. Sound is subjective as it's personal and what one thinks is dreadful might be heaven to someone else, so therefore this conclusion is based on my experience and my findings.

The speaker set most definitely is a looker, to date this probably is the most funky looking set out there in the retail market. But don't let the looks fool you, when we look at the overall sound it is very good but lacks a little here and there and that prevents me from giving it our editors choice award. The deep bass powered by the subwoofer is good, it just won't go loud or have the dynamic range you expect from it. In combination with the titanium drivers in each satellite the set produces a very clear and good sound. It's not a set that'll irritate your neighbours as it won't go that hard. I can tell you this though, you likely will be impressed. Your music will sound good enoug by far and your games will sound excellent. Just don't expect surround sound or blasphemic DVD playback though. This set was made pure and simple for two reasons: good sound quality and style. And it does that job very well. Furthermore we end with the price, the recommended/suggested retail price for this product is 119 Euro which in my eyes is right on par. After listening and observing this set that's an acceptable amount of money for such hottie speakers.

Product: Creative I-Trigue L3450 2.1 Speakers
Manufacturer: Creative Labs

Cheapest price for this product in our Guru3D.com price database is:



Copyright 2004 - Guru3D.com

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