HiS Radeon X1650 PRO review

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ATI Radeon X1650 Pro 256MB - HIS - review

HiS to me always equals quality and attention to detail. When you look at the card a little they didn't even forget to place ramsinks on it. Very lovely.

Copyright 2005 - Guru3D.com

Yes, a yellow jumper. I was wondering about this myself, but it simply switches VIDEO OUT between PAL or NTSC.

ATI Radeon X1650 Pro 256MB - HIS - review

Drum-roll ... the packaging.

ATI Radeon X1650 Pro 256MB - HIS - review

One last little photo of the ramsinks. I'm not quite certain if in this time and year ramsinks really matter. BGA memory runs much cooler. Fact however remains that this memory overclocked HEAPS. We'll show you that on our overclocking pages.

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