HIS Radeon HD 3850 IceQ 3 TurboX review

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HIS Radeon HD 3850 ICEQ3 XTurbo edition

When we remove the ICEQ3 cooler we see the GPU all nekked. Look how well the ram is cooled as well. To your upper left, notice that 3850 has two Crossfire connectors. So CrossfireX comes to mind. For 600-800 bucks you could hook up four of these and have a pretty interesting 1712 GigaFLOPS experience. Think about that for a moment.

HIS Radeon HD 3850 ICEQ3 XTurbo edition

The 65nm based RV670 GPU core. What a cute little fellah, ain't it ?

HIS Radeon HD 3850 ICEQ3 XTurbo edition

Alive and working in our primary graphics card test system. The UV reflectiveness becomes very apparent once you install a backlight. The UV reactiveness is much better compared over the previous IceQ models.

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