Guru3D Rig of the Month - November 2011

The Guru3D Rig of the Month 153 Page 4 of 5 Published by


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9. What's the best part of your rig?

Definitely the water cooling loop. I had tried to go water cooling twice before with disastrously bad results, especially aesthetically. So, I am super happy that the work I put into this version really paid off. It looks much more clean, and professional then my previous version which has a blue color theme. It also uses a silver ingot bought from a bank as anti-microbial. Unfortunately, when building this loop, I didn't have time to wait for a silver kill coil, so I had to buy a $50 chunk of silver! That's pretty cool. I had algae in my previous loop using Glycol so I wasn't messing around in this one.

Rig of The Month November 2011

10. What sucks and should not have been bought?

The reservoir is actually two short for the extended ATX mounts which double as reservoir mounts in the 800D. It's only held in with a single mount, and the tug of the tubes is causing it to be slightly off it's vertical center. Next time I replace a component, I will also be looking into getting a 200mm tube for it so the second mount can be installed to hold it straight.

Rig of The Month November 2011

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