Guru3D Rig of the Month - March 2009

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Rig of the Month

Each month here at we feature one of you guys, your PC, your DIY project. It is quite honestly amazing how much detail and dedication you put into an PC, and every now and then it really shows.

They say beauty is only skin deep, and well  that's just the case of the Rig of The Month March 2009. Meet Mark, Mark is a gardener at the age of 29. Mark has been a Guru3D aficionado for a ling time and he shares our passion of building nice PCs. Mark's PC will be the Rig of the Month March 2009 for reasons that I do not even need to explain really. Go have a read and then check out the brilliant water-cooling job he managed to pull off.

You surely have to appreciate beauty like that.


1. What is your name / nickname /age / occupation

Mark Doney aged 29. Gardener

2. What did you first come here for?

I came across GURU3D about 6 years ago. I wanted to upgrade my GPU from a Ti200 as it was starting to struggle in the games I wanted to play. Back then i was on quite a tight budget so i thought i should read a few reviews on the latest cards on the market. Its was because of GURU's review that made me buy my first ATI card, a 9500Pro. I signed up to the forums soon after because the community was fantastic. With the help of some fellow GURU's i flashed by card to 9700pro speeds. Its because of the community feel that i have stuck around all these years.

Rig of the Month

3. What do you mainly use the system for?

I mainly use my PC for gaming. Nothing like pwning soom noobs after a hard days work

4. How much money did you spend on the rig as it is right now?

I've spent a little over £1200 on this rig so far. I've been very fortunate as some of my parts were bought from MikeMK. We've been best mates since school. Very useful man to know as he upgrades every 30mins lol

Rig of the Month

5. How often do you update/buy a new rig?

I tend to buy parts as I need them so as something becomes outdated i replace it. Most upgraded part would be the GPU.

Go to the next page for some more please ...

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