Gigabyte GeForce RTX 2080 Ti GAMING OC 11G review

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Graphics Card Temperatures

Graphics card temperatures

So here we'll have a look at GPU temperatures. First up, IDLE (desktop) temperatures as reported through software on the thermal sensors of the GPU. IDLE temperatures first, overall anything below 50 Degrees C is considered okay, anything below 40 Degrees C is nice. We threw in some cards at random that we have recently tested in the above chart. But what happens when we are gaming? We fire off an intense game-like application at the graphics card and measure the highest temperature of the GPU. 



So with the card fully stressed we kept monitoring temperatures and noted down the GPU temperature as reported by the thermal sensor.

  • The card's temperature under heavy game stress stabilized at roughly 67 Degrees C. We note down the hottest GPU reading, not the average.
These tests have been performed with a 20~21 Degrees C room temperature, this is a peak temperature based on a FireStrike loop.

Long Duration Stress Temperature and GPU Throttling clock

Have a look below at the nice and steady GPU clock, it rocking very steady is at the 1850 MHz boost marker. The protective limiters (aside from the power limiter) kick in albeit slightly as you can see the card throttling a tiny bit. This is FireStrike scene 1 looped continuously in what is actually our pre-benchmark warm-up sequence.


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