GeForce RTX 2080 Ti Founders review

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DX11: Middle-Earth Shadow of War

DX11: Middle-Earth Shadow of War

Shadow of War continues the narrative from Shadow of Mordor, following Talion who is still infused with the spirit of the elf lord Celebrimbor. Talion and Celebrimbor travel to Mt. Doom, where they forge a new Ring of Power free of Sauron's corruption. However, once the Ring is complete, Celebrimbor is abducted and held hostage by Shelob, who asks Talion to hand over the Ring in exchange for Celebrimbor. Overall you will experience very high to be a nice quality setting for PC gamers on a more mainstream setup. The game allows you to tweak several graphics settings, but has your typical settings ranging from the lowest to the best (Ultra) image quality settings. If you are (and you should) using Ultra Quality mode, then please do not forget to download the Ultra High Resolution Texture Pack (10.5 GB). It really enhances the game with far more beautiful quality textures, making it look like a proper PC Game, the way you want to play it. We'll test using that HQ texture pack and test at the Ultra quality settings.




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